Bringing Our Authentic Selves To Work

By Kelly Siegel-Stechler, Senior Researcher, CIRCLE. Tisch College. Tufts University with illustrations by Cynthia Sularz.

Since the pandemic began, we’ve seen so many changes in our culture and in the ways we do our work together. This presents an opportunity for us to rethink equity in the workplace and to reconsider how we can ensure that everyone can be themselves and feel respected at work. In our sector we are a progressive body, yet many formations of queer family are new to many of us, so we may not be familiar with the workplace inequities that heteronormative culture and laws create for our queer colleagues. 

Kelly Siegel-Stechler has created an educational zine that walks one through various queer family styles and alternative relationships. It is a beautiful introduction to queer-platonic relationships, ethical non-monogamy, ace sexuality, and considerations for queer-friendly workplaces. This zine doesn’t include every aspect of queer culture, so we also invite you to explore your own scenarios and hopes for how workplaces can support other family structures.


Return to the main page to see more highlights from “Navigating Change: Toward Equitable, Democratic Organizations,” a series on bridging generations, expanding leadership, and envisioning the future of work by ten Content Fellows.


Making Sense of the Alternative Highway


Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast: A Recipe for Building Strong Organizational Culture, Seasoned to Taste