Susan Misra

Susan Misra


Over the course of my career, I have partnered with over 400 movement-building organizations and networks to become more equitable, sustainable, and strategic. I support people, organizations, and networks to recognize and leverage their innate potential and align their systems, relationships, and practices with their visions and values. I deeply listen to and weave stories that lift up the complexities and nuances of people's lived experiences. I create containers for individuals to show up as their whole selves, recognize and navigate differences with others that are rooted in different lived experiences with oppression and power, and achieve individual and collective breakthroughs. As part of these containers, I employ liberatory principles that ensure that coaching and consulting methods—inquiry, somatic practice, creative practice, theater of the oppressed, advice, action planning, experiential learning, meditative reflection, etc.—match what is needed in the moment.

I am blessed to be a collaborator with Susan and the team at Aurora Commons. I love working with Susan because she is incredibly smart and approaches organizational and social challenges with a ton of wisdom and experience. At the same time, she has a gift in bringing levity, joy, and optimism to heavy and stressful moments. Her deep commitment to equity and justice for humans, non-human kin and the planet is the foundation upon which her stance emanates. I feel such confidence in the work we do with changemakers when Susan and I can work together.
— Chandra Larsen, M.A.